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"So give freely

to needy people.

Let your heart be

tender toward them.

Then the Lord your God will

bless you in all your work.

He will bless you in

everything you do."

Deuteronomy 15:10




Allows FVJM to continue to provide the very best in chaplaincy services, Bible study classes, Christian Biblical counseling, former inmate mentoring, and so much more!

Your donation directly affects the lives of people in jail, their families, and the greater community. The restoration of people is important to God, and that’s important to us, as well. We pray for supporters, such as yourselves, who can help support this ministry. If you feel encouraged to support the ministry, please consider donating TODAY!

Please, also consider checking with your company to see whether they would match any portion of your donation!

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“Being in jail isn’t easy, but one thing that has been a constant help is the Bible studies, as well as the one-on-one visits. In being here, my relationship with God has grown a ton!”

Father and Son

“Yes, yes, I’ve been greatly touched by all of the advice. I believe God has saved me from self destruction. I feel God’s hand upon me every day, telling me that I have a wonderful opportunity to prosper spiritually, mentally, and to be a Christian father!”

woman wrapped in shawl sitting on a rock

 “Your words are encouraging and your prayers are needed. I came to realize that no matter where I am or what I am doing, as long as the Lord and Savior is with me, I am safe, sound, and protected.”

Fox Valley Jail Ministries, Inc.

320 S. Walnut St.  

Appleton, WI 54911


© 2024  Fox Valley Jail Ministries, Inc. 

designed by Happy Doodler ~

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